things to do in oklahoma city ok
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Best Things to do in Oklahoma City from a Local

I recently had a friend come to OKC for work and she asked me for a few recommendations for things to do between work. To which I replied, “girl go to my blog!”. But really, I sent her a huge list of my faves which inspired me to write this blog about where to go from a local.

A lot of times, you’ll hear the same things from people and businesses (like Travel OK, Visit OKC, etc.). Visit the Myriad Gardens, do the water taxi in Bricktown… Now, those things are pretty cool, but if you only have a few hours to burn in the handful of days you’re there working, you can’t waste your time doing the touristy things. Not to mention, those things don’t give you a sense of the real OKC.

This is all especially true if you are coming from a bigger city with lots of cool things to do and can visit your local botanical gardens whenever you like.

So, this blog is all about the best things to do in Oklahoma City coming straight from a local (10 years in OKC, baby!).

Let’s get into it.

best things to do in oklahoma city
unique things to do in oklahoma city

This was the exact text for reference. As you can see, I’m not a huge fan of Bricktown. Overhyped and kinda gross in some areas.

There’s a curfew for unattended minors for a reason 😬

Where to Eat in OKC

OK, keep in mind, my friend was staying in Bricktown and did not have her own car so I tried recommending things that were close by – either within walking distance, available by the streetcar, or a cheap Uber ride.

One night, we met at Ma Der Lao Kitchen. I had never been but heard great things and OMG it lived up to the hype. Like I am having haunting dreams about their food now. Ma Der is a family-style kitchen serving Laotian food and you have to eat with your hands which is wild. Would not recommend for a first date when you’re trying to look cute lol. Check out the foodie pic 👉

best things to do in oklahoma city

Bricktown Bites

She wanted to find a cute coffee shop where she could work. I recommend the Gilded Acorn because it’s gorgeous but with the caveat that it might not exactly be the “workspace” she was looking for. I recommended Stella Nova for a more worky vibe.

I recommended FLINT in Bricktown to her as a fancier option because it is a classic OKC staple and never misses.

Texadelphia has a great selection of sandwiches, salads, and burgers. Perfect for a quick bite between meetings.

Zio’s Italian Kitchen WAS another downtown OKC staple that has apparently closed so shame on me for not knowing that I suppose. But also just goes to show that Bricktown is 👎

Fuzzy’s is available where my friend lives (Austin) but it’s still a go-to in the Bricktown area because let’s be real, options are a little limited.

Naija Wife Kitchen is a Nigerian restaurant that has AMAZING food. It also shows the wide range of cuisine types here in Oklahoma City, which is a commonly undersold benefit/fact about OKC.

Spark is a really good burger joint located in Scissortail Park, which is definitely on my list of must-sees in OKC.

If my friend was not staying in Bricktown or had her own car, I would have a whole different set of restaurant recs. *Shameless plug* If you’re wanting a personalized list of recommendations, I do offer Staycation planning 😏

What to See

My top OKC suggestions weren’t really put into use in this case, because she really didn’t have a ton of time to explore outside of trying some restaurants. And it was late fall which means everything was dark at 5 pm and I advised her not to walk around Bricktown after dark.

With her one free evening, she was looking for a walkable area with local shops and I LIT UP because I knew exactly what to recommend. Because it was early December, I thought Automobile Alley (one of my fave districts) would be perfect to walk around and shop.

The Christmas decorations ALONE are worth seeing, but there are also so many great local shops within walking distance.

  • ShopGood
  • Plenty Mercantile
  • Common Dear
  • Johnny & June
  • Cargo Room
  • soooo many more

Not to mention a few of my favorite restaurants, breweries, and coffee shops.

An honorable mention (again, not relevant for this particular trip) would be to check out the Wheeler District. They are continuing to build that area and getting so many new shops and things to do, plus the ferris wheel on the river is ofc iconic for taking photos to enshrine your visit to OKC.

Where to Stay in OKC

This section is really just for argument’s sake because my friend’s work had already set her up at the Renaissance in Bricktown (she said it was really nice!), but if I was going to recommend a hotel, here are a few I would choose.

  • The Omni for a true downtown/Bricktown experience
  • Bradford House for something a bit more boutique and bespoke
  • Find a unique VRBO or Airbnb in your desired location

I will say, my friend fell in love with OKC (I have receipts!👇) so it’s safe to say my recommendations showed the true side of Oklahoma City that I find so interesting. No dirty river walk needed.

OK, that’s all I’ve got for now. Like I said, I will do custom recommendations if you are interested! Just check out my Staycation Planning page and submit a form to get started.

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