Welcome to

Wander in Place

Your go-to guide for uncovering the hidden gems of Oklahoma (and sometimes other states!). Discover a curated collection of recommendations, offering unique insights into the state’s best-kept secrets and must-visit destinations. Additionally, explore our top-tier event planning and rental services, tailored to transform your gatherings into unforgettable experiences while supporting local Oklahoma businesses.

Embark on a journey with us and unlock the essence of Oklahoma’s charm, both through exploration and celebration.

OKC Event Services


event styling

No need to worry about decorations,
vendors, or anything else. I’ll take care of it all.


event props

Eye-catching props to take
your occasion to the next level.


charcuterie boards

From traditional meat and cheese boards
to breakfast boards and anything in between.


Tune In Every Week

Every week, my friend Kelsey and I chat about the ups and downs of being small business owners. We talk about business logistics, marketing, finances, and everything in between. Most episodes are 30 minutes or less, because we know fellow small business owners are busy!

Get In Touch